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Mesothelioma Claims_2
Posted by Aziz
19.47, under |
Asbestos have caused many health problems for those people who have been exposed to the material. This exposure occurs by breathing in the dust. Many workers have been exposed to asbestos while on the job. Work places like construction sites, power stations, shipyards, rail road work stations and factories have higher rates of asbestos exposure. These types of jobs are usually held by men; therefore typically asbestos exposure affects many more men than women. Although some women have received second-hand exposure from asbestos fibres contained within an exposed male worker's clothing. Asbestos exposure affects each person differently and may causes different disorders. A common one that can occur is mesothelioma, a form of cancer caused by exposure to asbestos.The cells that comprise mesothelioma coat the outer layer of certain organs within the body. These organs could include the heart, lungs or abdomen. Three types of mesothelioma exist: pleural mesothelioma, peritoneal mesothelioma and periocardial mesothelioma. The most common of the three is Pleural mesothelioma which affects the lungs. The second type, peritoneal mesothelioma, affects the abdomen. Here a tumour would form causing improper functioning. The third type of mesothelioma, periocardial mesothelioma, is extremely rare and affects the heart.All forms of mesothelioma do have in common the fact that they are fatal. Typically, once diagnosed the patient has very little time left. Some doctors may advise chemotherapy or other methods used to treat cancers. These typically, just provide the patient with a little more time to live but not much. All doctors agree that mesothelioma is a terminal illness.If you become diagnosed with a case of mesothelioma, there is a possibility that you are eligible to make a mesothelioma claim. It is advisable to obtain the services of a solicitor. They will review your case and advise you on your legal rights in this situation. Since mesothelioma is caused by asbestos, more than likely you were exposed to the substance at one point in time, whether knowingly or not. This happens often as mesothelioma can develop even after a brief exposure to asbestos. Also, mesothelioma symptoms can be seen sooner than other symptoms of asbestos exposure.
Mesothelioma Claims
Posted by Aziz
19.45, under |
Malignant mesothelioma is a deadly disease that has become one of the major contemporary international issues of great concern to governments and people of the world. Mesothelioma is a variant form of lung cancer that is of a serious type Mesothelium is a tissue of the human body and it outlines lungs heart, stomach and other vital organs. Mesothelioma is a cancer of this tissue. This lethal disease is commonly found in people who work in asbestos rich environment. Exposure to asbestos is the main cause of this disease. People who inhale and swallow the asbestos fibers in the work place are prone to mesothelioma.Mesothelioma is called as industrial disease. People working in construction industry, shipbuilding industry, rail roads, automobile industry, asbestos milling and mining industry and textile industry are more exposed to this dangerous disease. Sometimes people living very close to former asbestos manufacturing plants also carry the highest risk of mesothelioma. Usually companies do not inform the workers about the dangers of asbestos. Innumerable people become victims of toxic asbestos as they are not informed and are not aware of the danger .it is a proven fact that this disease is caused by lack of attention to safety in the work place. So a victim of mesothelioma has a greater scope for claiming compensationIf you or your loved one has been working in high-risk industry and if your loved one is a victim of mesthelioma, you have every right to seek the help of experienced attorneys. Claiming compensation via asbestos funds or lawsuits is a tricky issue in mesothelioma. The victims of mesothelioma have many legal remedies. The mesothelioma claims include a lawsuit wherein the victim can claim compensation for medical expenses pain and suffering and even a wrongful death. It is essential that those who are infected with this disease must contact a reputed mesothelioma claims lawyer who will help them to get their claims settled.
Mesothelioma Claims Life of Clerk with Work Related Asbestos Exposure
Posted by Aziz
19.43, under |
A woman who worked as a clerk at a workshop recently passed away from mesothelioma cancer. Mesothelioma is a cancer caused by the naturally occurring mineral, asbestos. Exposure to asbestos occurs through inhalation of airborne asbestos fibers. It is believed that the woman was exposed to asbestos while walking through a dusty workshop that contained asbestos fibers in order to get to her office. She was diagnosed with malignant mesothelioma in 2009 and hospitalized in August 2010 for chronic cough and limited breathing ability. She passed away three days later.Mesothelioma symptoms appear decades after exposure to asbestos has occurred. This fact makes it difficult to diagnose the cancer at an early stage when treatment options are more effective. Treatment options are focused on providing relief from the symptoms. They include surgery, chemotherapy, photodynamic therapy (PDT) and radiation therapy. The treatment approach used by physicians depends on the stage of mesothelioma. Most cases of mesothelioma are attributable to workplace asbestos exposure. Workers at highest risk of asbestos exposure are those who worked with asbestos containing products such as brake pads, roofing shingles, ceiling tiles, cement and gaskets. These workers include mechanics, construction workers, sheet metal workers, electricians and pipe fitters.People suffering from mesothelioma disease are entitled to file mesothelioma lawsuits against companies that exposed them to asbestos. This is because companies in the asbestos industry knew, as early as the 1930s that asbestos exposure can lead to cancer. Despite this knowledge, companies failed to warn of the dangers of asbestos or provide safety equipment such as respirators to prevent asbestos exposure. As a result of these reckless omissions, about 3,000 people are diagnosed with mesothelioma every year in the U.S.A skilled and experienced mesothelioma attorney can obtain substantial financial compensation for a mesothelioma patient with an asbestos lawsuit. Weitz & Luxenberg mesothelioma lawyers have won over $1 billion from mesothelioma settlements and asbestos cases. The firm has specialized in asbestos cases since 1986. Weitz & Luxenberg offers free case reviews from http://www.weitzlux.com. For more information on jobs that involve the risk of mesothelioma, visit http://www.mesotheliomajobs.com.
Mesothelioma claims brought in UK by asbestos solicitors
Posted by Aziz
19.41, under |
Asbestos solicitors in the UK bring about 2000 mesothelioma compensation claims a year, mainly based on negligent asbestos exposure in various occupations such as factory work , construction work and plumbing.
Between the 1950s and the 1980s asbestos was used extensively as a building material, especially for insulation and as a fire-retardant.
The more dangerous varieties of blue and brown asbestos were banned in 1985, but asbestos-containing materials (ACMs), such as asbestos cement, continued to be used until 1999.
Asbestos was often mixed with other materials, which now makes it difficult to identify.
It is estimated that more than half a million non-domestic premises now have some asbestos.
At least 3,500 people in Great Britain die from mesothelioma and asbestos-related lung cancer each year, with annual numbers predicted to continue rising at least for the next ten years, reaching closer to 10,000 by 2010.
Asbestos solicitors are usually first instructed following a diagnosis of cancer cells in a drained pleural effusion, or when a growth is noticed on a lung x-ray or CT scan.
Most mesothelioma sufferers are only exposed through their work. A full statement is taken from the client, dealing not only with working conditions at the suspected negligent ex-employer but with all ex-employers, to determine where the asbestos exposure took place and to confirm the unsafe system of work. Statements are obtained from fellow ex-employees.
To identify exact periods of employment an employment history is obtained from HMRC.
If the client has been exposed at any ex-employer they are fully liable whether or not any other ex-employer is also liable. It is not necessary to determine which ex-employer's negligent exposure caused the mesothelioma .In Fairchild v Glenhaven Funeral Services & Ors [2003] 1 AC 32, employees had developed mesothelioma from exposure to asbestos dust while at work, but there was uncertainty as to which of several employers was responsible for the exposure which had caused the disease. The Court of Appeal had held that for this reason causation could not be proved. However, the Lords held that, where there had been exposure by different employers but the precise causative point could not be identified, it was sufficient to find that the wrongdoing of each employer had materially increased the risk of contracting the disease.
The medical records are obtained and a report from a Consultant Chest Physician on causation and, after an examination,on condition and prognosis is obtained.
A letter of claim is written to the ex-employer or their insurers.
If liability is in dispute it will be necessary to instruct Consulting Engineers to report on the unsafe working conditions.
Since mesothelioma sufferers tend to die within six to eighteen months following diagnosis, these claims can be expedited in the courts and/or an interim payment of damages can be obtained before the case is settled and the proceedings are then continued by the personal representatives.
Asbestos lawyers bring a claim for a client's severe pain and impairment of both function and quality of life and will usually obtain compensation for the client of between £45k -£80k for this alone. His or her mesothelioma may be of the pleura (the lung lining) or of the peritoneum (lining of the abdominal cavity); the latter being typically more painful. The duration of pain and suffering accounts for variations within the bracket. For periods of up to 18 months, awards in the bottom half of the bracket may be appropriate; for longer periods of four years or more, an award at the top end.
This award will only be for the client's pain and suffering , and other awards are made to compensate for the resulting financial losses both before and after the client's death. Under the Fatal Accidents Act 1976 a bereavement payment for a spouse of £11,800 is awarded. The loss to his or her dependants of the earnings the deceased would have earned or the services he/she would have provided in the future, such as DIY or housework, can also form part of the asbestos compensation claim by way of a "dependency" award. Under the Law Reform Act your asbestos solicitors can also obtain damages for funeral costs and the cost of care and/or the deceased's lost earnings prior to death.
If mesothelioma hasn't actually developed yet but there is a significant risk that it will , and there is also a symptomatic condition such as pleural thickening causing breathlessness, then on top of an award damages for the client's pain and suffering with pleural thickening , which is in a bracket between £23k-£46k , the asbestos solicitor will obtain an award of provisional damages for mesothelioma ,which allows the claimant to return to court for more compensation if the condition does develop.
In contrast in 2007, the law lords upheld a Court of Appeal decision that the existence of asbestos-related pleural plaques, a scarring of the lungs, does not constitute actionable or compensatable damage.This also applies to pleural thickening without any associated breathlessness.
A distinct problem from establishing liability is enforcing any judgement.
In October 2001 the Court of Appeal ,overturning a 2008 High Court ruling on mesothelioma, decided that in some cases, employers' liability insurance is triggered not by exposure to asbestos, but by the onset of symptoms.
Unfortunately this will leave some victims with no access to compensation because their employer may not have an effective insurance policy to meet the claim, and policy wordings may exclude previously eligible claimants.This decision means some insurers are required to pay while others are not, depending on words such as "injury sustained" or "disease contracted" used in insurance contracts written decades ago.
Mesothelioma Claims And Your Rights
Posted by Aziz
19.38, under |
Are you aware of the Article 3 in the Declaration of Human Rights made by the United Sates of America? Let's read out once again what exactly the Article states, "Everyone has the right to life." From the excerpt of this statement can you in some way relate the Mesothelioma patients with this human right?
The first point that can be deduced is that the Mesothelioma patients have every right to live. But more vital than this aspect is that the Mesothelioma patient has every right to claim for his life. Here comes the legal periphery under which Mesothelioma disease has been categorized. How?
The Mesothelioma patient is a victim of an unhealthy situation mostly at work places where use of asbestos is done in an abundant way. This is the primary route of the asbestos fibers' entry into the victim's body cells. After years the real reason of ailment is known when it has already taken the shape of cancer. So is the patient liable for this condition? Thus he has every right to fight for his life also in terms of law and justice.
The historical perspective
Mesothelioma case was first time put in front of law in 1929. This was the historical juncture when it was made clear by the US law board that if a person suffers from Mesothelioma cancer or any asbestos related disease, the person can file a case against that body or individual for whose negligence such consequence has taken place.
The present scenario
Well it is a happy news for the family members and also for the victims of Mesothelioma that the Senate Judiciary Committee of the United States has brought out an amendment in the "Fairness in Asbestos Injury Resolution Act of 2005" and a grant of $1.1 million was declared for the victim of Mesothelioma and the compensation will be given within a month's time. The World Trade Center attack issue was also brought into limelight during this decision and there were thousands of Mesothelioma victims just because of that devastating disaster.
Take your legal step now
You have the right to live and live it to its power and with your heads high. If you have not done anything wrong and paying your life for it, at least make sure that those who are behind such gruesome situation must at least be punished and penalized. Let them pay off in terms of compensation because they are liable for that.
Mesothelioma Claims - What You Need To Know Before Pursuing Legal Action
Posted by Aziz
19.37, under |
The most essential thing to learn when you are thinking about the possibility of making new mesothelioma claims is your state's statute of limitations which are the time limits until you can no longer file a case. For the filing to be valid and proceed to a possible trial, it should be made at once after being diagnosed by mesothelioma doctors which is when the statute of limitation starts. It is crucial to contact different asbestos lawyers, not only to compare the advice given, but also to find out how long you have to pursue a lawsuit before the time limit expires.Those who have worked in jobs and industries such as construction, manufacturing, mills, refineries and many other plants that have dangerous asbestos exposure levels should consult a physician to verify the possible infection within the body which will lead to full blown mesothelioma. When you have officially received a mesothelioma diagnosis, you can then start the process of making mesothelioma claims against the party at fault. If there are already other people involved in a class action lawsuit the defendant, you can decide to join the class action or pursue the case with your own lawyer separately.If you are a representative of a family member who died of this illness, then you can hire a lawyer or decide to join a class action to claim financial compensation. Some people will be able to claim a monetary award because of the ever increasing pile of medical bills as well as the pain and suffering. Keep track of all the related paperwork and receipts that shows the financial hardship that has been experienced since the disease diagnosis.As of 2010, there has been tens of billions of dollars over the past 25 years compensating the victims of this illness. Since the symptoms of this disease takes decades to develop, it is pretty easy to assume there is going to be much more
Mesothelioma Claims - What Does Mesothelioma Cause
Posted by Aziz
19.24, under |
In the industrial setting, asbestos use has been an epidemic that continues today. Millions have been exposed to it's carcinogenic properties due to corporate greed and lack of interest for the common worker. It's harmful properties were known since the 1930's, yet it's use continues to this day. Despite attempts to hide it's impact on health, more and more mesothelioma claims are surfacing each year.Asbestos history - It's no surprise that asbestos use still continues today. It happens to be a very reliable product, capable of holding it's integrity against heat and chemical damage. Products such as welding gloves, ovens, and household insulation were commonly known to contain asbestos. During the 1940's, following the bombing of Pearl Harbor, millions of workers were exposed to asbestos during the production of new war ships. Even cigarette filters were known, for a time, to contain asbestos fibers.Symptoms of Mesothelioma - As with other forms of lung cancer, early warning signs are often not present. This is why it is such a devastating form of cancer.Some forms of mesothelioma can present with early signs, indicating the need for diagnostic testing. Persistent coughing or difficulty breathing indicates trouble in the lungs. This may also include the appearance of blood upon coughing and persistent difficulty with swallowing.Regardless of asbestos exposure, this should be discussed with your doctor. A change in normal bowel habits or feelings of nausea are often noted, along with weight loss and an unexplained fever. These symptoms tend to accompany periods of unexplainable fatigue.What to Do - It is very important to seek medical treatment if you suspect past asbestos exposure, or if the symptoms described persist. If mesothelioma is the cause, the prognosis depends heavily on early detection and treatment. Don't hesitate to seek medical attention, as your life could depend on it.While a diagnosis of mesothelioma is devastating, there is something that can be done. Seeking legal counsel through a lawyer will help to determine your options. Sometimes, you can find lawyers who specialize in the area of mesothelioma claims.The only way to put an end to this unethical practice is to punish those who have, and continue to put people at risk. It's not just a right, it's a duty! Speak with a lawyer immediately, as they will be your best source for legal counsel. It may also be worth seeking a lawyer whom specializes in mesothelioma claims.