Mesothelioma Claims And Your Rights

Are you aware of the Article 3 in the Declaration of Human Rights made by the United Sates of America? Let's read out once again what exactly the Article states, "Everyone has the right to life." From the excerpt of this statement can you in some way relate the Mesothelioma patients with this human right? 

The first point that can be deduced is that the Mesothelioma patients have every right to live. But more vital than this aspect is that the Mesothelioma patient has every right to claim for his life. Here comes the legal periphery under which Mesothelioma disease has been categorized. How?

The Mesothelioma patient is a victim of an unhealthy situation mostly at work places where use of asbestos is done in an abundant way. This is the primary route of the asbestos fibers' entry into the victim's body cells. After years the real reason of ailment is known when it has already taken the shape of cancer. So is the patient liable for this condition? Thus he has every right to fight for his life also in terms of law and justice.

The historical perspective

Mesothelioma case was first time put in front of law in 1929. This was the historical juncture when it was made clear by the US law board that if a person suffers from Mesothelioma cancer or any asbestos related disease, the person can file a case against that body or individual for whose negligence such consequence has taken place. 

The present scenario

Well it is a happy news for the family members and also for the victims of Mesothelioma that the Senate Judiciary Committee of the United States has brought out an amendment in the "Fairness in Asbestos Injury Resolution Act of 2005" and a grant of $1.1 million was declared for the victim of Mesothelioma and the compensation will be given within a month's time. The World Trade Center attack issue was also brought into limelight during this decision and there were thousands of Mesothelioma victims just because of that devastating disaster.

Take your legal step now

You have the right to live and live it to its power and with your heads high. If you have not done anything wrong and paying your life for it, at least make sure that those who are behind such gruesome situation must at least be punished and penalized. Let them pay off in terms of compensation because they are liable for that.

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