Mesothelioma Claims - What Does Mesothelioma Cause

In the industrial setting, asbestos use has been an epidemic that continues today. Millions have been exposed to it's carcinogenic properties due to corporate greed and lack of interest for the common worker. It's harmful properties were known since the 1930's, yet it's use continues to this day. Despite attempts to hide it's impact on health, more and more mesothelioma claims are surfacing each year.Asbestos history - It's no surprise that asbestos use still continues today. It happens to be a very reliable product, capable of holding it's integrity against heat and chemical damage. Products such as welding gloves, ovens, and household insulation were commonly known to contain asbestos. During the 1940's, following the bombing of Pearl Harbor, millions of workers were exposed to asbestos during the production of new war ships. Even cigarette filters were known, for a time, to contain asbestos fibers.Symptoms of Mesothelioma - As with other forms of lung cancer, early warning signs are often not present. This is why it is such a devastating form of cancer.Some forms of mesothelioma can present with early signs, indicating the need for diagnostic testing. Persistent coughing or difficulty breathing indicates trouble in the lungs. This may also include the appearance of blood upon coughing and persistent difficulty with swallowing.Regardless of asbestos exposure, this should be discussed with your doctor. A change in normal bowel habits or feelings of nausea are often noted, along with weight loss and an unexplained fever. These symptoms tend to accompany periods of unexplainable fatigue.What to Do - It is very important to seek medical treatment if you suspect past asbestos exposure, or if the symptoms described persist. If mesothelioma is the cause, the prognosis depends heavily on early detection and treatment. Don't hesitate to seek medical attention, as your life could depend on it.While a diagnosis of mesothelioma is devastating, there is something that can be done. Seeking legal counsel through a lawyer will help to determine your options. Sometimes, you can find lawyers who specialize in the area of mesothelioma claims.The only way to put an end to this unethical practice is to punish those who have, and continue to put people at risk. It's not just a right, it's a duty! Speak with a lawyer immediately, as they will be your best source for legal counsel. It may also be worth seeking a lawyer whom specializes in mesothelioma claims.


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